Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Lower Fuel Price Cause More Emissions

It’s not everyday that the car companies call for higher fuel prices. Many car companies like the general motors are calling for a hike in the fuel prices. They feel that it may cause an increase in the fuel consumption. For the past few years these companies have been battling with each other to produce the most fuel efficient cars. They feel that this increase in fuel consumption will make the people go for these low emission hybrid cars. Many experts feel that no one is going to choose a hybrid car if the fuel prices stay as low as they are now. The oil prices fell below $2 gallon this week. The common man will choose the biggest car for which he can afford the fuel for, he will not choose the hybrid cars unless he is able to save money. The Chinese and Japanese car companies who have been trying to popularize these hybrid cars also feel the need to hike the oil prices, so that the hybrid cars can also compete in the market. These pleas come at a time when American president elect obama considering to provide for the increase in the production of the hybrid cars as a part of the stimulus package. There is an urgent need for the oil price hike in some countries so that the emission are kept to a low level.

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