Sunday, January 18, 2009

Corporate face of India bruised

The past decade for India in the corporate sector has been phenomenal. The companies grew in a pace never seen before. The companies around the world saw opportunity in India. They were quick in making the most of it. Their establishments quickly sprouted in India. The Indian companies in India expanded like never before. But it seems like the good times are over. During the good times none took a moment to check their speed of growth is secure. It was like a mad rush for gold. Now many companies are slipping. The recent developments and allegations of fraud in certain company in India has damaged india’s reputation. It had hurt India badly. It’s keeping any new investor well away from India. The experts say that this situation might have been avoided. Some even believe that India might be back on track in a few years. Only the future holds the key. It’s imperative that all the others are cautious about their new ventures and they should learn from their mistakes. Every one hopes that it is a temporary phenomenon and all is well in a few years.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog's pretty cool too.. You seem to be taking an active interest in the things going all around you..Great work..Keep it up..
